Bed Bug Treatments in 2015

Bed Bug Treatments in 2015

So, Bed bug treatments in 2015, the latest post on the Bed Bugs London blog.
Bed Bugs London - Eggs
A Bed Bug, Eggs and Excrement.

What does this year have in store for me? I have started to see a little increase in calls already for bed bug treatments in 2015 and if last year is anything to go by it will a busy year and probably worse than 2014, as that was of 2013.

As the holiday season gets closer people are planning their holidays, family and friends are making arrangements to travel and visit each other and so bed bugs will once again start their never ending journey around the world!

So if you are one of those people planning a trip somewhere or even having people visit yourself then try to make sure you know the signs of bed bugs so to prevent picking them up. You can find good posts on the signs of bed bugs if your scroll through the blog, what to look for and what not. Also little tips like when you first enter your hotel, turn the heat up full. Bed bugs hate heat, if they are there and you leave the heat up for a while they will crawl.

Remember bed bugs can hold onto pretty much anything, take care with where you put your cases and personal items and check them before leaving, You can see from the picture above how small the eggs are so be thorough,

I should imagine most people reading this Bed Bugs London blog will be in contact with me for advice at some point or perhaps one of my bed bug treatments in 2015 if you are already here. I say to you, do not panic. In all my years of carrying out bed bug control in London I can tell you things are rarely as bad as they seem. Unless you have already tried various d.i.y bed bug treatments such as smoke you buy online, in which case you have probably already made the infestation worse by spreading it and making things that little more challenging for myself!

If you are reading this blog for the first time I will be posting more as the year goes by and I feel there are things that are important for people to know, like changes to how I like people to prepare their rooms for bed bug treatments, or some useful pictures or advice. 

Bed Bugs London

Bed Bugs London

Anything I write I do so to try and assist people whether I hear from you or not. I hope it helps. You may not agree with everything I write but it is what I see, do and have experienced in all my years in bed bug control. I am not a suit sitting behind a desk I am out there carrying out these treatments and coming across all levels of bed bug infestations in London in all property types and dealing with straight forward infestations as well as the most extreme types of infestations. 

If you do need further bed bug advice, or bed bug control in London then feel free to contact me.

Remember, preparation is everything but do not take infested items from one room to another. 

Do not take old items home that you find outside someones house, usually that is a sign of bedbugs.

Do not leave a bed bug issue any longer than needed, they can reproduce and overrun a property quickly.

Please do comment and share the Bed bugs London blog, I do like feedback and feel free to ask any questions if you need help. 

I am also on Twitter, if you follow I will follow back and help you if I can.

Thank you for reading Bed Bugs London.


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